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March 01, 2007

The book is published now

The research embodied in this website has now resulted in a book. The title is "From Where We Stand: War, Women's Activism and Feminist Analysis", author Cynthia Cockburn, published by Zed Books, London, February 2007. Paperback edition: ISBN 978-1-84277-821-0 It is available from Amazon.co.uk and Amazon.com, see link to the right. But it may also be obtained from Zed Books directly at www.zedbooks.co.uk, or contact <[email protected]>

Although, as mentioned in the post below, this site was set up as an action research tool, I have promised to keep it in existence for a few years more, so that those who may be interested in the more detailed "research profiles" below may continue to refer to them.

I shall also enjoy it, however, if any of you who read the book feel like communicating with me and with each other, through this weblog. I would be happy to hear your informal "reviews", and to discuss the approach, the findings and the analysis. To add a comment, just click on "Comments" below, and fill in the box provided. I may sometimes take a little while to respond. But meanwhile...please chat on!

March 2007

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